
Monday, June 10, 2013

20 HR Famine

“The Famine started the famine started” I said to my friend. It was friday and we went the the ICT so we can do our animation. But as soon as it was 12:00 O’clock I was panicking. I wasn’t hungry but I was scared that my stomach might rumble and I will eat something. So I stopped panicking and I was meant to feel hungry for the people at Bougainville in Papua New Guinea.

After school I picked up my sister and went home. I grabbed my towel and went for a shower. Like 15 minutes after I went got changed and was waiting for 6:30 to come. So I waited patiently and I was about to eat so I just remembered that I was in the 20 Hr Famine.

As soon as it was 6:30 I told my mum if we could go to school so we did and I packed my bag in the car and off we went. I got to school and everyone was just wandering around doing nothing so I went to put my name tag on and my colour tag on. I was in group red.

Reds group leader was Rita. And the people in red was Ana, Hueluata, Tyler-Marie, Vivien and Me. Rita is a year 8 and she was the boss of us, she told us what to do and what not to do. Sooner that night our actual leader of all teams (Crusader) told us what we were going to play. So he did and he told us it is Charades.

Before we started Rita told us the signal of movie and singing. Then we started and the first person went us from each group. Tyler-Marie from our group (red) went up first and she was signaling but sadly we didn’t get it.

As soon as Charades finished we played more games and then that night, Deven and her Ambassadors friends came and we had to do like a welcome dance so we did. And we did stomp clap the beat the beat clap clap cheast cheast clap the beat the beat clap twice then we all said “REMIX.” bir, don’t mess with us we are team red we got that girl power and we said it twice that altogether again “REMIX.” Then Tyler-Marie from our group said “Lua pati mole red power red power sike”. Then the other groups did their dance.

Then the winning group was red for the dancing and we were so happy but then before we slept we watched Wreck it Ralf and then we slept. Then in the morning we had to pack our things and they called out the winning group out of everything and it was ...................................................... GREEN! As they finished calling out the winning group some parents came and we had to take like some of these square bar and they were sort of nice then we went home. Relaxed and then did some chores.

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